City Life, 2022
IT Un progetto che indaga lo stile di Zahah Hadid mediante l’utilizzo di forme curve, allungate e dinamiche che generano prospettive multiple. I volumi, disegnati sul posto, accolgono una vegetazione ricca e avvolgente in gradi di amplificare lo spazio, generare intimità e incorniciare visuali. I parapetti in vetro, ideati dall’archistar, vengono volutamente lasciati liberi per amplificare l’apertura verso il parco e fondere architettura e vegetazione.
Elementi progettuali: fioriere, vegetazione, irrigazione, illuminazione.
EN A project that investigates the style of Zaha Hadid through the use of curved, elongated, and dynamic forms that generate multiple perspectives. The volumes, designed on-site, embrace lush and enveloping vegetation capable of enhancing space, creating intimacy, and framing visuals. The glass parapets, designed by the archistar, are deliberately left free to amplify the openness towards the park and merge architecture and vegetation.
Design elements: planters, vegetation, irrigation, lighting.
Disegni di/Drawings by: Stefano Dentice di Accadia
Elementi progettuali: fioriere, vegetazione, irrigazione, illuminazione.
EN A project that investigates the style of Zaha Hadid through the use of curved, elongated, and dynamic forms that generate multiple perspectives. The volumes, designed on-site, embrace lush and enveloping vegetation capable of enhancing space, creating intimacy, and framing visuals. The glass parapets, designed by the archistar, are deliberately left free to amplify the openness towards the park and merge architecture and vegetation.
Design elements: planters, vegetation, irrigation, lighting.
Disegni di/Drawings by: Stefano Dentice di Accadia