Santa Croce, 2023

Un giardino storico circonda un meraviglioso palazzo della prima metà del 700. Il progetto propone, seguendo e rispettando i tracciati esistenti, di armonizzare ulteriormente questo luogo suddividendo il giardino in tre stanze: il giardino conviviale, il giardino belvedere e il giardino della quiete. Siepi formali si intrecciano con effervescenti fioriture costellate da sfere e fastigiate alberature. Il progetto prevede l’inserimento di vasche d’acqua, pergolati, terrazzamenti , illuminazione e nuove essenze vegetali.
Elementi progettuali: in corso.
EN A historic garden surrounds a wonderful palace from the first half of the 18th century. The project proposes, following and respecting the existing layouts, to further harmonize this place by dividing the garden into three rooms: the convivial garden, the belvedere garden and the quiet garden. Formal hedges are intertwined with effervescent blooms dotted with spheres and fastigiate trees. The project involves the inclusion of water tanks, pergolas, terraces, lighting and new plant essences.
Design elements: in progress.
Disegni di/Drawings by: Stefano Dentice di Accadia
Creatività progettuale/Project creativity by: Stefano Dentice di Accadia
Elementi progettuali: in corso.
EN A historic garden surrounds a wonderful palace from the first half of the 18th century. The project proposes, following and respecting the existing layouts, to further harmonize this place by dividing the garden into three rooms: the convivial garden, the belvedere garden and the quiet garden. Formal hedges are intertwined with effervescent blooms dotted with spheres and fastigiate trees. The project involves the inclusion of water tanks, pergolas, terraces, lighting and new plant essences.
Design elements: in progress.
Disegni di/Drawings by: Stefano Dentice di Accadia
Creatività progettuale/Project creativity by: Stefano Dentice di Accadia